King of my Heart – John Mark Mcmillan Live at the KnightMedia 2020. 10. 22. 18:25
King of my Heart – John Mark Mcmillan Live at the Knight There are a lot of inspirational songs that I listen to regularly, however I realized lately that I tend to go to “King of my Heart” a lot whenever I need a small reminder of how good God is. I was born into a Christian family, and always thought of myself as someone who is close to God. As I got older, I had my ups and downs when it came ..
You’re My Best Friend – The Once (Queen)Media 2020. 10. 22. 12:22
You’re My Best Friend – The Once (Queen) Today I want to introduce a band called The Once that I stumbled upon a few years ago while watching TV. For starters, it is really really hard to re-make a song that is perfect as it already is. So when I heard Queen’s classic You’re My Best Friend on TV played by The Once, I actually ran to the TV, paused it, and had to find out who what when where why ..